Monday, September 25, 2006

"Who put earmuffs on my cookie?"

Here are a few pictures: unfortunately, it takes forever and a day to upload pictures on this here blog. I'll try to get some more to everybody soon.

On top: Me with the founders of Royal Holloway school.
On bottom: Acting goofy in Kensington Gardens.
So this has been quite a long week. I started work on Monday -- basically what I do is look over proofs for a law directory and correct the mistakes on the online database. It can get quite tedious, but it's still something that pertains to my major, which is good. Plus, I get to write memos! The first couple of days were kind of weird because they weren't exactly the friendliest batch of people, but that's just the way British people conduct themselves in the workplace -- where there's someone new, they go into British reserve mode. It wasn't like they were mean to me or anything, it's just that I had to make more of the effort to talk to them and fit in. But what made me really love these people (and love my job) was going out with them on Friday: basically, they only work until about 12:30 every Friday, and then they take an "extended lunch," which means pubs until about 8:00. Now that's what should happen on Fridays all around the world! It's so great because everybody is all business Monday thru Thursday for the Friday reward. I ended up really getting to know my co-workers and my boss -- they're such awesome, laid-back people. I also love the American stereotype: they really do think that all we do in California is surf and hang out at the beach. One of my co-workers didn't know that LA was in California (she thought it was its own state), and couldn't believe it when I told her it takes about 6 hours to go across country -- she was so surprised that I haven't been to New York, and that was part of my explanation as to why. It's far. America is big.
So basically I'm loving my job. It's pretty sweet.
During the week I saw two plays: Avenue Q and Moon for the Misbegotten. Avenue Q was this great, subversive musical that parodies Sesame Street. It also hit close to home: the narrative revolves around a puppet who just graduated from college with a BA in English and has no idea what to do with his life. So he moves to Avenue Q (where the fallen child star Gary Coleman resides -- yes, he's a character in the play -- love it) to search for his purpose. Sounds vaguely familiar...
The next night we saw Moon for the Misbegotten, starring Kevin Spacey! Kevin Spacey is art director or some title like that for the theatre that the play was being shown in (the Old Vic), which is fine little fact for you all to cherish. It was good, though rather long, and there was one distraction that kept us from paying close attention to the play during the second half: Australian-born actress Nicole Kidman was sitting right behind us. We first noticed her during intermission -- we were seated up in the balcony, and she was off to the side in the next row behind us. Elizabeth noticed her first, and then we just started staring at her and whispering, "dude, it's Nicole Kidman!" When the 2nd act began, she moved over and sat directly behind us for the rest of the show -- she was ushered out during the applause at the end. Very cool. Maybe not as cool as having dinner with Tobias Wolff, but still very cool. ;)
What's also cool is that The Hoff himself (David Hasselhoff, for anyone who's not savvy with his many nicknames) has been spotted around London recently. He's such a big deal in Europe, especially Germany -- but of course he is, since he contributed in the collapse of the Berlin wall, duh! (This is The Hoff's claim -- what a silly Knight Rider)
This weekend is sure to be nice and relaxing -- the weather looks very nice, which is awesome. We're going to go for a walk around the city in a little while, and then tomorrow we're going to make dinner in Allison's kitchen (she's our new bff) -- finally, a home-cooked meal! I can't wait.
I'm growing fond of the city -- it feels like I've been here forever, but, then again, each day goes by so quickly. What I really, really dislike is the tube in the morning -- it is extremely hot, and you are basically packed in with hundreds of other people. No personal space whatsoever, and no way you're going to get a seat. Very claustrophobic. A couple of days ago, a man standing next to me almost passed out. This happens quite often. I know everybody has to get to work somehow, but ick. Luckily it's a short ride to work.
It's a beautiful, sunny day outside and London is calling my name! Love it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe The Hoff is around London! You are so lucky!!!!